Random Network
* related to indexed networks only

Updating a network's information


Before you update a networks information, the following prerequisites are required:

  • You are logged into your account
  • You have network admin access, if you do not then please check out the guide to gain access

Updating Information

The first step is to navigate to the network admin page.

  1. Visit the network's network page.
  2. Click the Network Admin tab on the menu bar.
  3. The first page to load should be the "Network Information" subpage with the form.
  4. Update the details needed
  5. Submit the form

The network information page allows you to update the following information

  • The network's current logo
  • The network's website
  • The network's region
  • The network's short description. The short description is shown outside of the network page.
  • The network's long description. This is shown on the main network page for the network
  • The network's GitHub username
  • The network's Twitter handle
  • The network's Facebook username