Random Network
* related to indexed networks only

Network News

You can now assign an avatar to your account by doing /msg NickServ SET AVATAR <http://url.of.your/avatar> and it will be display on the channel page (example for #discussions channel) and in our IRC web client.

If the stats pages for the channel are enabled, your avatar will also be used …

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After a few months of testing, we, zeolia, are proud to announce the use of the Anope’s module “autolimit” .

What does it ?

It allows chanowner to define a dynamic limit of users on the channel, based on the actual number, and the delay of check.

How ? …

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Do you love chatting with people from different backgrounds and interests? Do you enjoy using bots to spice up your conversations? Do you want to join a network that puts users first and respects their freedom? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Newnet IRC network might …

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We are excited to announce that our web client is now available for use. You can access it at https://web.newnet.net. The client is called “The Lounge” and we believe it is a strong, capable platform.

We would love to hear your feedback on this change and whether or …

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IRC4Fun now allows TOR (with SASL Authentication)


IRC4Fun now allows TOR connections – please see https://irc4fun.net/r/tor for more information.

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TechNet’s Round Robin now automatically redirects users accordingly to the users geo location, so now there is no need to try find the best server for lowest latency.

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deepend has been working hard to bring Newnet back. There are multiple servers in different areas which would help somewhat with latency. See https://newnet.net/servers for the list.

If you previously had a services user, you will need to re-register. Any channels you own you will need to re-register as well. …

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More networks are joining the PyLink. Last week we linked 2 new networks to the pylink, coders-irc, and iChat. Welcome aboard ya’ll. Let’s keep the irc dream alive!!

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We’ve recently launched a radio station for the network. Plays randomly unless controlled otherwise by the bot in the channel. Website is https://radio.irc-nerds.net. The bot control channel is #radio. The actual streaming URL for your audio players is https://radio.irc-.nerds.net/radio.ogg

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We have bought an EU server online, this server is located in Spain

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