Random Network
* related to indexed networks only

Submitting a network


Before you submit your network please be sure you meet the following requirements:

  • You currently have at minimum 1 channel with 2 users
  • You currently have 5 or more global users
  • You have a valid domain name, no free/dyanmic DNS services
  • You have an email address associated with that domain name (which is verified)

Test your network name

The first step is to test your network name to ensure it's not already being indexed, already pending submission, blacklisted, or disabled.

  1. Visit the network submission page
  2. Enter your network name in the field
  3. If you receive an error message, you will need to address the error or contact IRC Driven support

Submit network information

The next step, if you came across no errors is to fill out your network's information.

  1. Enter your network's name. This has to match the TOKEN of your network.
  2. Enter your network's website. This is the URL to your website for the IRC network.
  3. Enter your network's round robin, or chat address. This is the address used to connect via an IRC client.
  4. Enter your network's email address. This has to use an email using the same domain as the network's website.
  5. Select your /LIST delay. If you require a user be connected for X amount of seconds before performing a list, set this.
  6. Select "Require SSL" ONLY if your network restricts all client connections to SSL.

An example of this form can be seen here:

Submission Process

Once you verify all of your data is correct, submit your form.

If the network submission was successful, you will reach a confirmation page and the process will begin.
This is what the process includes:

  1. A bot prechecks your network to verify the network is within our requirements and indexable
  2. If it fails you will need to fix the issues in the email sent after the precheck
  3. If it passes you will need to verify your network email address
  4. Once your network email is verified, an IRC Driven admin will perform a manual final approval within 24 hours to add the network to the site