Random Network
* related to indexed networks only

Indexing seems to be stopped

Indexing seems to be stopped  

  By: CrazyCat on March 10, 2024, 3:52 p.m.

Since March 1st, the crawler seems stopped for my network (last seen Fri March 1st, 23:22:53 Europe/Paris).
The bot is here, the IP is not banned.
On the network page (https://www.ircdriven.com/network/Zeolia/) the last indexation is 1week and 1 day old, which is false.

I killed the bot, it came back without any trouble...

Tchat francophone

Re: Indexing seems to be stopped  

  By: daniel on May 25, 2024, 1:36 a.m.

I had to do a lot of fixes on the API/bots which I did recently, the channel bot is down until I can do some updates to that though. Life has been stressful lately, trying to get the time.

Daniel Shafer
Founder / Lead Developer
IRC Driven Networks