• Indexed Information
  • Rank40
  • Users50
  • Channels (indexed)12
  • Servers (indexed)3

Channels (12)

Rank Name Topic Users Indexed
1 #cyberarmy https://www.cyberarmy.com || Zebulun is available by the good folks over at Abducted IRC: https:ca-zeb.com || Transfer Error (Bit Flip) 26 41 minutes ago
2 #idlerpg IdleRPG - Non-Interactive High Adventure For All! || `/msg idlerpg help` for help and info on how to get started || https://dropkick.cyberarmy.com/idlerpg/ 15 41 minutes ago
3 #help Welcome to the CAIRC Help Channel. Please be patient with any questions, as we may not respond immediately; but we will respond. More lively chat can be found at #cyberarmy 13 41 minutes ago
4 #m33p First rule of m33p club, don't talk about m33p club, second rule of m33p club, don't talk about m33p club, third rule of m33p club, if it's your first time, you gotta m33p! 9 41 minutes ago
5 #g3k.solutions g3k Solutions: https://g3k.solutions | GitHub: https://github.com/genius3000 | Modules for Anope: https://github.com/genius3000/anope-modules 6 41 minutes ago
6 #pylink A PyLink Relay is active between CAIRC, FreshChat, Undernet, and DALnet! 5 41 minutes ago
7 #trivia Play Trivia, type .t2 ; Type .commands for help. Have fun! 5 41 minutes ago
8 #freebsd Welcome to #FreeBSD 4 41 minutes ago
9 #android #Android The new CyberArmy shall have an Android branch. What purpose it will serve is yet to be determined. Idling is the current goal. 4 41 minutes ago
10 # ...---... 3 41 minutes ago
11 #counterstrike The CyberArmy Counter-Strike Fan Club | https://beta.leetify.com/invite/3d631dba-1894-4bae-a791-c76ba8ce22ab 2 41 minutes ago
12 #compound 2 41 minutes ago
Rank Name Topic Users Indexed