• Indexed Information
  • Users54
  • Channels (indexed)40
  • Servers (indexed)1
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  • IRC Addressirc.ichat.ro
  • Region Romania
  • Top Channel#newtrivia (79)
  • Last Indexed3 weeks ago
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Channels (40)

Rank Name Topic Users Indexed
1 #newtrivia [+nrt] Weekly TOP: #1: krystal 550 79 8 months, 3 weeks ago
2 #rotrivia [+nt] 76 8 months, 3 weeks ago
3 #romania [+nrtCG] Bine ai venit! Welcome! 27 3 weeks ago
4 #ichat [+nrtGT] https://iChat.ro -> for games: #trivia #triviaro & #scrabble #scrabblero; for help and tips, join #support 25 3 weeks ago
5 #bucuresti [+nrtP] welcome to #Bucuresti ( have fun) 24 3 weeks ago
6 #craiova [+nrtP] welcome to #Craiova ( have fun) 24 3 weeks ago
7 #severin [+nrtP] welcome to #Severin ( have fun) 24 3 weeks ago
8 #timisoara [+nrtP] welcome to #Timisoara ( have fun) 24 3 weeks ago
9 #chatro [+nrt] Un canal pentru romanii de pretutindeni 21 3 weeks ago
10 #kappa [+nrtP] welcome to #Kappa ( have fun) 19 3 weeks ago
11 #scrabble [+nrt] >>> Scrabble ON <<< Comenzi: .joc ( arata linia de cuvinte ) / !top ( arata top 10 ) Clasament: https://premiumchat.ro/jocuri.php | https://premiumchat.ro/canale-irc.php?categorie=all 8 3 weeks ago
12 #trivia [+nrt] %%%%%%%%%%%% Topic este 'Noua trivia 2022 cu 60.000 de intrebari ! Clasament pe https://trivia.ichat.ro/%%%%%%%%%% 8 3 weeks ago
13 #tehnic [+nrtP] [Program DJ RadioWH] - Orar emisii live pentru Sambata: DJ: krystal Ore: 20-22; 22-00 7 10 months ago
14 #depechemode [+nrtP] WELCOME www.depechemode.com | http://www.depeche-mode.com |RADIO --> http://80s80sdm.radio.net/ 5 3 weeks ago
15 #radio [+nrt] La intrare: se da !dospam si mesaj privat RadioLive: !reqlogin, La iesire: se da !dospam si mesaj privat RadioLive: !reqlogout 5 3 weeks ago
16 #ajutor [+nrt] Va rugam adresati intrebarile si asteptati un raspuns din partea unui Operator. Dupa solutionare va rugam respectuos sa parasiti canalul #Ajutor. Va multumim! 4 3 weeks ago
17 #baxe [+nt] 4 1 year ago
18 #linux [+nrt] Software is like sex: It's better when it's free. 4 8 months, 3 weeks ago
19 #support [+nrt] Pentru inregistrare nickname scrieti comanda: @register <email> (ex: @register popescu@gmail.com) 3 3 months, 1 week ago
20 #jocuri [+nrt] Trivia !start, Spanzuratoare !spanzuratoarea 1, Fazan !fazan, Bomba !bomba <nick>, Scrabble !scrabble start 3 3 weeks ago
21 #test [+nt] 2 8 months, 3 weeks ago
22 #alexandria [+lnt] 2 1 year ago
23 #whiteheaven [+nt] 2 1 month, 3 weeks ago
24 #hazard [+nrt] \\\\\\-\\\\\\- Welcome to #Hazard - Play trivia game with your friends. For questions /join #whiteheaven -//////-////// 2 3 months, 1 week ago
25 #galaty [+mnrtP] |||||||||| RISE OR DIE |||||||| 2 3 months, 2 weeks ago
26 #anonymous [+nrtP] 2 10 months, 3 weeks ago
27 #triviaro [+nrt] ,%%`,%%`,%%`,% #TriviaRO -> Intrebari de cultura generala -> Joaca trivia non stop -> https://premiumchat.ro %,`%%,`%%,`%%, 2 1 month, 3 weeks ago
28 #coins [+nrtR] Stai activ pe reteaua noastra si castiga monede - https://premiumchat.ro/comenzi-coins.php 2 3 weeks ago
29 #galati [+nrt] 2 3 weeks ago
30 #2k [+nt] 2 1 year ago
31 #constanta [+ntP] <><><> Bine ati venit pe litoral! <><><> ,1 2 9 months, 1 week ago
32 #loic [+nt] 2 11 months, 2 weeks ago
33 #scrabblero [+nrt] 2 1 month, 3 weeks ago
34 #nightmare [+mnrtP] -66Q`6Q`6Q -= LEAVE THIS PLACE LEAVE THIS CHANNEL NOW!!! AND DON`T OPEN THE DOOR !!!! X( X( =- `6Q`66Q`6- 2 1 year, 1 month ago
35 #vhost [+nt] 2 1 year ago
36 #quit [+nt] 2 1 year ago
37 #znc [+nt] 2 1 year ago
38 #eggdrop [+nt] 2 1 year ago
39 #ircgo [+nt] 2 1 year ago
40 #discoteca [+lnrt] ¯°·.¸¸.·°¯°·.¸¸.·°¯°·.¸¸.->WwW.Discoteca.260mb.NeT<-.¸¸.·°¯°·.¸¸.·°¯°·.¸¸.·°¯ 2 10 months, 3 weeks ago
Rank Name Topic Users Indexed