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Channel Log for #chatters

* All times are UTC Filtering by user: Snowfields
[05/02/24 05:57:37] Snowfields: we need adam here
[05/01/24 09:31:08] Snowfields: no
[05/01/24 02:20:10] Snowfields: I'm creasing at Adam
[04/29/24 08:30:21] Snowfields: and outlook express open 24/7
[04/29/24 08:30:03] Snowfields: excel
[04/29/24 05:09:44] Snowfields: work
[04/29/24 03:27:22] Snowfields: !clean bans
[04/29/24 03:14:12] Snowfields: !invite
[04/29/24 03:02:22] Snowfields: !clear bans
[04/29/24 10:46:35] Snowfields: I got one running Samba 4.x Domain Controller
[04/29/24 10:45:28] Snowfields: Blohsh: yeah it's pretty nifty
[04/29/24 05:44:55] Snowfields: gentoo is also nice
[04/29/24 05:44:48] Snowfields: yes very much soo
[04/28/24 09:18:36] Snowfields: https://snowfields.… - runs on alpine
[04/28/24 09:18:22] Snowfields: IMO - archlinux for desktop and alpine for servers
[04/28/24 09:04:00] Snowfields: like DEAD
[04/28/24 09:03:52] Snowfields:…
[04/28/24 09:01:01] Snowfields: hexchat is dead though
[04/28/24 08:43:21] Snowfields: what apps and where
[04/28/24 06:45:06] Snowfields: hungry
[04/28/24 06:45:02] Snowfields: I mean I love alpine just because it isn't resources
[04/28/24 06:30:17] Snowfields: yeah
[04/28/24 06:09:14] Snowfields:….
[04/28/24 05:52:45] Snowfields: not tried yet
[04/28/24 04:51:45] Snowfields: next will be converting my KVM node to alpine
[04/28/24 04:51:22] Snowfields: prefer it over ubuntu/debian now
[04/28/24 04:32:12] Snowfields: heh I've just converted my Ubuntu domain controller to alpine
[04/28/24 04:30:37] Snowfields: linux*
[04/28/24 04:30:34] Snowfields: how's alpine linuxl
[04/28/24 04:30:28] Snowfields: eh
[04/28/24 02:08:28] Snowfields: no problems
[04/28/24 01:52:10] Snowfields: done
[04/28/24 01:36:07] Snowfields: no problems, what's current IP?
[04/28/24 12:23:15] Snowfields: want me to install and send you logins?
[04/28/24 12:00:05] Snowfields: you want latest yeah?
[04/28/24 10:50:47] Snowfields: will be later today as currently out
[04/28/24 10:50:38] Snowfields: yeah sure, I'll let you know when I've loaded the .iso
[04/28/24 09:51:27] Snowfields: I've removed him from IRC
[04/28/24 02:04:02] Snowfields: alpine as samba server is faultless
[04/28/24 02:03:21] Snowfields: qemu aka KVM
[04/27/24 11:15:12] Snowfields: !op
[04/27/24 11:15:09] Snowfields: !down
[04/27/24 11:14:34] Snowfields: !up
[04/27/24 11:05:04] Snowfields: Trixie: help
[04/27/24 10:53:05] Snowfields: problem solved
[04/26/24 09:25:59] Snowfields: job done
[04/26/24 09:25:55] Snowfields: install and then samba
[04/26/24 09:25:45] Snowfields: basically the same
[04/26/24 04:36:52] Snowfields: if it's just a file server
[04/26/24 04:36:45] Snowfields: Blohsh: try alpine first
[04/25/24 04:20:08] Snowfields: what's debian got to offer alpine hasn't?
[04/25/24 03:53:20] Snowfields: I mean, alpine linux would be a great choice
[04/25/24 03:41:35] Snowfields: providing you use a decent OS
[04/25/24 03:41:25] Snowfields: Blohsh: I mean a dual core cpu would be fast enough
[04/25/24 03:39:54] Snowfields: i3 more than powerful enough for storage server
[04/25/24 01:47:47] Snowfields: I am debating getting i5 cpu
[04/25/24 01:47:37] Snowfields: well worth the money
[04/25/24 01:16:40] Snowfields: ThinkCentre M73 Tiny
[04/25/24 01:16:20] Snowfields: google it
[04/25/24 10:23:54] Snowfields: Best of getting results
[04/25/24 08:53:59] Snowfields: around $10 a year
[04/25/24 08:50:15] Snowfields: Blohsh: couldn't tell you
[04/25/24 08:50:07] Snowfields: bl
[04/24/24 02:42:57] Snowfields: Lexi: should adam gamble harder
[04/24/24 02:42:26] Snowfields: lexi should adam delete all his vps
[04/24/24 09:55:56] Snowfields: hahah
[04/23/24 04:58:33] Snowfields: 👍
[04/23/24 04:58:30] Snowfields: and can use samba too
[04/23/24 04:58:23] Snowfields: yes, but works better
[04/23/24 02:03:53] Snowfields: society: crying
[04/23/24 01:03:34] Snowfields: LOL
[04/23/24 01:03:30] Snowfields: adam crying again
[04/23/24 12:15:08] Snowfields: honestly I think owncloud has better features
[04/23/24 10:00:23] Snowfields: uses little cpu
[04/22/24 06:40:00] Snowfields: owncloud is wicked.
[04/22/24 05:38:32] Snowfields: apache hogs cpu
[04/22/24 05:38:22] Snowfields: yeah
[04/22/24 05:06:19] Snowfields: wow, prefer owncloud
[04/22/24 04:36:06] Snowfields: https://files.snowf…
[04/22/24 08:56:30] Snowfields: 1 freebsd doing nothing exciting
[04/22/24 08:56:13] Snowfields: 1 cacti (debian), 1 samba domain controller(ubuntu)
[04/22/24 08:55:48] Snowfields: 1 web, 1 mysql, 1 home dns = alpine linux
[04/22/24 08:55:06] Snowfields: only running 1 non alpine vps
[04/22/24 08:54:53] Snowfields: :p
[04/22/24 08:54:49] Snowfields: that's my home kvm box
[04/22/24 07:26:03] Snowfields: running 6 vps
[04/22/24 07:25:59] Snowfields: 07:19:12 up 2 days, 22:22, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00
[04/22/24 07:14:43] Snowfields: like really low cpu
[04/22/24 06:52:17] Snowfields: Blohsh: alpine linux is actually amazing
[04/21/24 06:58:19] Snowfields: I called the copper PC Dickhead
[04/21/24 06:58:01] Snowfields: Police are cunts around here anyways
[04/21/24 06:21:03] Snowfields: Blohsh: no, I got NFA
[04/21/24 05:38:24] Snowfields: daniel: ircdriven down?
[04/21/24 05:34:43] Snowfields: then will be here again, when not working
[04/21/24 05:34:28] Snowfields: I need to install hexchat
[04/21/24 12:29:43] Snowfields: should be in next few hours :)
[04/14/24 12:57:37] Snowfields: under users folder 📂
[04/14/24 12:57:29] Snowfields: actually, I'm going to see if I can login to my other domain and check C:/
[04/14/24 12:56:53] Snowfields: mean gotta move loads of stuff now
[04/13/24 10:04:32] Snowfields: nope, gotta connect monitor/kb/ to mini PC to reboot the broken vps
[04/12/24 07:07:47] Snowfields: what happened
[04/11/24 02:42:50] Snowfields: I need to destroy the KVM and boot it again
[04/11/24 02:42:30] Snowfields: and it crashed, can't ssh into system.
[04/11/24 02:42:07] Snowfields: Blohsh: I use domain to login
[04/06/24 05:34:09] Snowfields: I can't login to any of my laptops
[04/06/24 05:33:56] Snowfields: Blohsh: that sucks
[04/03/24 07:30:46] Snowfields: I'll get that changed when on PC
[03/30/24 05:18:14] Snowfields: PM it mate
[03/28/24 03:14:31] Snowfields: Blohsh: decided against it
[03/27/24 11:22:34] Snowfields: installing Windows 2016
[03/27/24 11:22:22] Snowfields: nice
[03/23/24 10:46:28] Snowfields: sup
[03/18/24 03:52:51] Snowfields: recommended to reinstall
[03/18/24 03:52:38] Snowfields: Well, can't dist-upgrade
[03/18/24 03:52:28] Snowfields: Blohsh: massive upgrade though
[03/17/24 11:08:16] Snowfields: yeah was fixed ages ago
[03/17/24 07:29:13] Snowfields: what you mean
[03/13/24 02:53:54] Snowfields: sorry, been working
[03/13/24 02:01:14] Snowfields: depeche: hi
[03/04/24 04:53:02] Snowfields: BlueSky[PDS]: sysuptime
[03/04/24 04:52:47] Snowfields: BlueSky[PDS]: sysuname
[03/04/24 04:52:37] Snowfields: .identify
[03/04/24 04:52:30] Snowfields: .restart
[03/04/24 04:51:38] Snowfields: .sysuptime
[02/28/24 04:45:07] Snowfields: ```
[02/28/24 04:45:05] Snowfields: nslookup -type=TXT _atproto.nastyfrog.…
[02/28/24 04:45:03] Snowfields: docker compose pds exec /bin/sh
[02/28/24 04:45:01] Snowfields: cd /pds
[02/28/24 04:44:59] Snowfields: sudo -i
[02/28/24 04:44:57] Snowfields: ```bash
[02/28/24 04:44:55] Snowfields: <@1040631493631942737> okay, try to do this:
[02/26/24 10:19:35] Snowfields: Wow
[02/26/24 05:46:50] Snowfields: did=did:plc:rcfmb66r5xvjhaatsmhksroj
[02/26/24 10:07:25] Snowfields: Blohsh: amd athlons use to be good
[02/26/24 09:50:14] Snowfields: Celeron ain't that bad now, use to be dog shit
[02/26/24 09:49:59] Snowfields: All the cpu's you listed would work OK.
[02/26/24 09:49:20] Snowfields: 1ghz or faster
[02/26/24 09:48:39] Snowfields: But, depends on requirements
[02/26/24 09:48:26] Snowfields: Probably i3
[02/25/24 07:48:58] Snowfields: Basically it's for work/IRC
[02/25/24 07:48:22] Snowfields: My celeron is a netbook, but still has many tabs open on chrome, outlook and excel and operates fine.
[02/25/24 07:47:25] Snowfields: Celeron tbh
[02/25/24 12:14:22] Snowfields: Haha he needs educating
[02/25/24 10:00:01] Snowfields: https://krustykab.c…
[02/25/24 09:45:19] Snowfields: he's annoying me to fuck
[02/25/24 09:45:05] Snowfields: Jesus Adam
[02/25/24 08:11:31] Snowfields: Haha
[02/22/24 03:49:14] Snowfields: Hellix: hi
[02/22/24 10:47:18] Snowfields: depeche: no problem I done stuff since then :p
[02/18/24 09:58:15] Snowfields: Adam: was it you?
[02/18/24 08:07:58] Snowfields: I will check configuration now actually. Didn't think it was an option 🤔
[02/18/24 08:00:52] Snowfields: Unless it deletes.
[02/18/24 08:00:36] Snowfields: society: wasn't me
[02/17/24 07:51:46] Snowfields: Oh well.
[02/17/24 01:31:40] Snowfields: depeche: hi
[02/15/24 10:08:02] Snowfields: Paid traffic?
[02/09/24 07:20:52] Snowfields: Blohsh: 144 days uptime on alpine Linux so far :p
[02/06/24 05:56:38] Snowfields: Short domain.
[02/06/24 05:56:28] Snowfields: Yay. It works
[02/06/24 05:55:52] Snowfields: Yeah.
[02/06/24 05:39:53] Snowfields: Meh my rDNS isn't updating
[02/06/24 11:07:04] Snowfields: Seeing a provider fail
[02/06/24 11:06:59] Snowfields: Shame though
[02/04/24 05:14:47] Snowfields: Pretty sure my vps never went down with them during my 1yr service
[02/04/24 05:09:19] Snowfields: Was stable provider
[02/04/24 05:09:10] Snowfields: Shame though
[02/04/24 03:24:45] Snowfields: On WHT
[02/04/24 03:24:40] Snowfields: Look at latest post
[02/04/24 02:47:34] Snowfields: Not good
[02/04/24 02:31:00] Snowfields: https://www.webhost…
[02/04/24 02:29:38] Snowfields: Such a shame
[02/04/24 02:22:16] Snowfields: They was decent provider too
[02/04/24 01:45:57] Snowfields: LoL
[02/04/24 01:29:47] Snowfields: Idk why?
[02/03/24 08:37:20] Snowfields: Yeah
[02/03/24 06:02:20] Snowfields: Like €3
[02/03/24 05:43:25] Snowfields: Blohsh: I got bored and kinda bought a Russian vps
[02/03/24 05:23:19] Snowfields: You ain't that dumb
[02/03/24 05:23:15] Snowfields: Jesus Adam
[02/03/24 04:45:34] Snowfields: ~w
[02/03/24 04:45:29] Snowfields: Oh yes
[02/03/24 04:32:39] Snowfields: !voice
[02/03/24 04:32:32] Snowfields: I smash it with my kids on a sunday
[02/03/24 04:32:19] Snowfields: !deop
[02/03/24 04:32:12] Snowfields: Fortnite is epic
[02/03/24 04:32:03] Snowfields: Heh
[02/03/24 03:56:41] Snowfields: I've just completed this seasons battlepass
[02/03/24 03:56:27] Snowfields: Waiting for it?
[01/28/24 03:23:27] Snowfields: No
[01/23/24 06:43:18] Snowfields: Nice.
[01/21/24 03:50:28] Snowfields: Adam: you sausage muncher
[01/19/24 08:10:28] Snowfields: What/who/where
[01/19/24 07:03:11] Snowfields: Hmm
[01/18/24 05:13:25] Snowfields: I might take a backup of my sd card for my mail pi
[01/18/24 04:51:39] Snowfields: Renew hooks are being shit for certbot
[01/18/24 04:44:45] Snowfields: Right, I need to go fix my mail server
[01/18/24 04:39:27] Snowfields: 11c next week
[01/18/24 04:39:22] Snowfields: Yeah but wasn't really frosty
[01/18/24 04:35:32] Snowfields: It's not that cold
[01/18/24 04:26:43] Snowfields: Global warming at it's finest